The boom in applications that allow parents to follow their children’s lives in the classroom

The bell has just rung at lunchtime. As the students rush to the canteen, Louise (some witnesses did not wish to give their names), 34, a school teacher in Hauts-de-Seine, takes her phone and opens the Klassly application, which communicates with the parents of its students. Another job begins, between two bites of a quickly swallowed meal: post a few lines on the day’s activities of his kindergarten class in Rueil-Malmaison, embellished with a handful of photos. “Writing numbers in modeling clay, everyone has their own technique! Children learn to use the tablet independently and take pictures of their work themselves. » Under the post will appear, in the following hours, the playful reactions of the parents, with the help of hearts, thumbs up and virtual applause.

What parent has never dreamed of being a little mouse to secretly observe their child at school? Knowing what he did, what concepts he covered, how was the trip to the museum… instead, often, of a laconic response or even a shrug of the shoulders followed by the traditional ones: ” I do not remember “Or : “I don’t want to tell. » In recent years, this has been (almost) possible thanks to applications intended for teachers – such as Klassly, ToutMonAnnée, Scolnet, etc. –, which offer parents a virtual window into the often mysterious life of their offspring, from kindergarten to elementary school.

Designed like social networks, they all offer essentially the same functions: a logbook, a contact book, an agenda and messaging, accessible free of charge on a smartphone (sometimes with paid options). It is then up to the parents of students to register – and to the teachers to produce content… outside of school time, most often. “We don’t have time to post during class, so I do it during breaks or after class, once or twice a week at most”recognizes Louise, the teacher.

Also read the survey: Article reserved for our subscribers These teachers who give their 06 to parents: “I wonder if I haven’t put my hand in an infinite gear”

“Delicious” of these little stories “illustrated” in a “place that can sometimes be secret”, Bérengère, 36, purchasing manager in Angers, is said “often surprised to see the time at which [elle] receive[t] notifications, Friday evening or weekend ». This mother of two boys aged 4 and 7, respectively in the small section of kindergarten and in CE1, looks ” regularly “ the messages posted by the mistresses of his sons “in order to follow their education and to be reactive in case of need”.

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