the brilliant trick for whitening tile joints

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In the kitchen or in the bathroom, the tile joints tend to get dirty, even blacken quickly, because of splashes and humidity. And to restore their shine, here is a daily product that can be very useful.

It is a product whose household properties are unsuspected. In the kitchen or in the bathroom, it is not uncommon for tile joints to lose their shine and whiteness over time. Exposed to splashes and humidity, they sometimes take on a rusty color, or even black, and then become more difficult to scour. Fortunately, there are several tips to overcome it, such as white vinegar, citric acid, or baking soda. But also a product used daily in the bathroom: toothpaste. Thanks to its abrasive properties, toothpaste is effective for cleaning and whitening, and perfect for removing soap scum and deeply embedded stains over time.

For grimy or moderately dirty joints, toothpaste may be enough on its own. For cleaning, take a used toothbrush and soak it in lukewarm water beforeapply white toothpaste on it. Then gently rub the tile joints kitchen or bathroom using circular movements to dislodge dirt and reach the deepest stains. With a clean, damp cloth, then wipe the cleaned area to remove the remaining paste. However, if your seals are very dirty, you will need to let the toothpaste work longer on stains to get rid of them. Thus, you can leave the paste on for an hour or more, so that the dirt adheres to it while it hardens.

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Get rid of dirty joints

Before rinsing the toothpaste with water, mix a bowl of water and lemon juice in which you will soak a clean cloth. With the latter, simply rub the joint covered in dried toothpaste, before rinsing and leaving to air dry. In addition to its effectiveness in cleaning, the toothpaste will also leave a pleasant minty scent to deodorize your joints. For people who love cheap tips for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, also know that lemon has miraculous properties to overcome traces of limescale. And instead of just squeezing out the juice, you can use it as a sponge before rinsing the cleansed area.

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