the brilliant trick to burn 375 kcal a day without making any effort

We are at the beginning of August and for some, the holidays are approaching. Don’t worry, we’re not about to do yet another miracle diet promotion. Just to suggest a simple tip to help you feel good about yourself, if you haven’t already.

We’ve seen record weight loss goals for too long before summer tied to the famous ‘summer body’ culture. In 2023 more than ever, we advocate self-acceptance and well-being in its entirety. Of course, this is sometimes easier said than done because we all have to pass judgment on our bodies. Even if it is impossible to find it perfect, the key word is to take care of it to appreciate it, and feel good in it, no matter our size.

So no, this article is not about making you lose 8 pounds in 10 days. just to give you a wellness tip to be able to be in shape and on top of that, to lose calories. This will allow your body to refine, but once again, the ultimate goal is to feel good inside. No more no less. The exercise was suggested by former sports teacher and journalist, France Carp in his notebook Flat belly published by Solaar editions.

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Take care of your body with kindness and regularity

The tip given by this professional is simple: brisk walkingevery day, for one hour: It is within everyone’s reach and can be practiced anywhere and at any time. One hour of brisk walking corresponds to one expenditure of 375 calories, she said. It seems less complex than indoor exercises and above all, more pleasant. Because well beyond the fact of refining its size for people who want it, there is above all a general benefit: use stamina and be fit.

To see the results both physically and in terms of cardio, well-being, etc., you have to do it regularly. This is the key word. Thus, the ideal is to include this hour of brisk walking in our daily lives and to make it a real routine. One hour a day, we go out, we escape, we go to a place that we like, where we feel good, headphones in our ears or simply in the company of our thoughts, and we walk to clear your head. An exercise that makes sense, and that feels good, both both in body and in mind!


Cannes native of Toulouse, Déborah loves shopping as much as supporting her favorite rugby team. A true writing enthusiast, she reveals all the scoops and latest…

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