The case of Anna-Chloe, 11, injured in the courtyard of her college is debated


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On December 15, 2021, 11-year-old Anna-Chloé was seriously injured in the courtyard of her private college in Chambéry. The mother of the teenager denounces on social networks a “racist attack”. An investigation was conducted by the prosecution, the thesis of the accident is privileged.

Anna-Chloé’s story made the rounds of social networks. On December 15, the young teenager aged 11 years old, who is in the sixth grade, goes as every day to his Le Rocher college, a private Catholic establishment in Chambéry, in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. Except that that day the girl would have been violently assaulted in the courtyard of his school. The teaching team immediately calls for help. The mother of the young girl, Karen, is also warned by the college’s CPE.

When she arrives there, she discovers with great emotion her child lying on the ground and seriously injured. “I saw a hole in the face with the eye that could be seen from the outside”, relates the mother in a long message that has gone viral on social networks. Transported to the hospital, Anna-Chloé had to undergo an emergency operation to treat her injuries. A CT scan will show a few hours later that she also has a broken nose.

Racist aggression?

For Anna-Chloe’s mother, there is no doubt: her daughter was the victim of racist assault. According to her, since the start of the school year, her daughter has suffered “racist and even physical verbal violence”. Which leaves one to think of school harassment. Karen has repeatedly wanted to meet with those in charge of the establishment. They received it once, when one day Anna-Chloé had the courage to defend herself after being insulted by “dirty nigger”.

The mother of the schoolgirl decided to file a complaint and mass disseminate the assault on her daughter so that “justice be done”. Since then, the affair has taken on a whole new dimension.

The prosecution evokes the accident

Interested in this matter, the Minister of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer announced this Sunday, December 19 on BFMTV theopening an investigation.

“What I asked the rector of the Grenoble academy is to see with the managers of this establishment what happened and to do an investigation (…) first protect this child, and then watch what happened with lucidity “.

The first results of the investigation were revealed by the prosecution. And the thesis of the accident is defended, reports AFP. According to the information gathered, the teenager fell on a bench before falling to the ground. Several witnesses even claim that Anna-Chloe was “alone” at that time. The thesis of the aggression is rejected “firmly” by the investigators, specifies the press release. But the mother of the young victim does not believe in this version.

A kitty launched and a rally in Paris

On social networks, the story of Anna-Chloé was shared in numbers. Several personalities like Omar Sy, Cyril Hanouna or Alizée reacted and gave their full support to the little girl. Journalist and TV presenter Aïda Touihiri also spoke on Twitter:
“Racism has a face. That of Anna-Chloé, 11, should outraged us all. Harassed since the start of the school year in Chambéry, she would have ‘fallen’ according to the CPE. What indignity! Shame on those who knew, and who did not ‘did nothing. Full support for the family. Justice be done “

Faced with the reactions and the wave of support, a gathering was organized in Paris, Sunday December 19 at 1 p.m. Place de la République. An online jackpot has been launched on the Leetchi platform, to “pay fees and expenses not covered” following the case, as well as a petition on, which obtained 16,994 signatures.

Lisa Grimaud

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