The CGT calls for “rules” on the uberization of work

The CGT intends to put the subject on the top of the pile, “which is not the priority of France within the framework of its presidency of the European Union”, grinds Ludovic Vouët, confederal secretary of the European Confederation of Trade Unions (CES), in charge of so-called “atypical” workers, present in Bordeaux.

The lines are moving

He attended the debates and noted: “The angle of the summit discussions is to inform the worker that the world is going to change, the software for strengthening corporate responsibilities is missing, this is the limit of the discussions”, explains- he.

He claims the status of employee for those who work for the major platforms, not the status of autoentrepreneur which prevails in France. “There are rules to be set. The struggles, throughout Europe, of these workers with their unions, to win new rights, have led to significant progress which is reflected in the draft European directive, in particular on the presumption of employment. The next professional elections at Just Eat, a first for delivery platforms in France, are part of this dynamic, ”says the trade unionist.

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