The cold case of the murder of Marine Boisseranc reopened by the investigators

“An insoluble crime no longer exists”, we hear about the Moitoiret affair. This is the conviction of the father of Marine Boisseranc, killed in 2005. A call for witnesses has been relaunched.

On October 11, 2005, Eric Boisseranc returned after his day as a medical representative to find his daughter, Marine, 20, in the beautiful family home. With Muriel, his doctor wife, and their two sons, Loïs, a high school student, and Pierrick, a medical student, they form a happy and uneventful family. But when he arrived in Chazay-d’Azergues, a quiet village 30 km from Lyon, Eric plunged into a nightmare. “I still have the image in my head and I will have it all my life, it’s an atrocious image. A pool of blood and my daughter lying on her back, not moving…”, he says in The time of the crime, on RTL.

Marine was killed from twelve stabbing. Corn “in these investigations where the first hours count, where everything can be a clue, explains his lawyer, Maître Gilles-Jean Portejoie, the crime scene was not frozen, or very badly”. Despite battles to find the knife, the missing mobile and landline phones, and despite 3,000 hearings, the file is not progressing. The violence of the killing favors the path of personal litigation.

In 2008, the Bourg-en-Bresse prosecutor’s office warned of similarities with one of their cases

The idea of ​​the crime of a prowler with a psychiatric profile, susceptible to the same outburst, is abandoned. Despite beaten to find the knife, the missing mobile and landline phones, and despite 3,000 hearings, the case is not progressing. The violence of the killing favors the personal litigation track. The idea of ​​the crime of a prowler with a psychiatric profile, susceptible to the same outburst, is abandoned.

In 2008, not far from there, the backpacker Stéphane Moitoiret violently kills an 11-year-old boy, Valentin, with the complicity of his partner, Noëlla Hégo. The Bourg-en-Bresse prosecutor’s office then alerted local investigators to the similarities in the assassination, but they did not dwell on it. However, the couple, diagnosed with schizophrenia and psychosis (he will be sentenced to thirty years of criminal imprisonment in 2013, and she will receive five years), seems to have been seen nearby. Investigators prefer to indict, in 2011, Marine’s ex-boyfriend, Ludovic.

A cell of about fifty specialized investigators seized of the file

Marine and Ludovic had however broken for six months at the time of the crime, without particular violence. This track is not retained either. “I hope everything has been done, sighs Eric Boisseranc at the microphone of RTL, but if it’s not him, it’s not him …” There followed a period when the investigation stalled. In 2015, an investigating judge, in a hurry to classify the case and its 32 volumes, even threatens to destroy the seals, saved in extremis by the father-courage and his lawyer, who sighs ulcerated: “It was outrageous…”

Before resuming: “But a new judge gives us full confidence, like the fact that the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons (OCRVP) took up the case in 2016.” This unit of around fifty investigators specializes in unresolved cases. It exploits everything, in a country where, in criminal matters, it must be emphasized, one counts neither the time nor the money to find the truth. It is equipped with software that crosses hundreds of parameters of past crimes.

“I have one knee on the ground, never two”, strongly asserts the father of Marine Boisseranc

But it is human memory that will bring the investigation back to the Moitoiret track… In December 2020, an article in The Progress of Lyon triggers new testimonials. “The journalist called me to warn me in the process, confides Maître Gilles-Jean Portejoie. I immediately got in touch with the witness, a trustworthy teacher, who remembers a man in jogging, with blood in the hair. A second credible witness also came forward, going in the same direction.”

Hope is reborn for the Boisseranc family, which exploded quickly after the fact. The couple divorced, Muriel, the mother, stopped working, the former house of happiness was abandoned. Eric Boisseranc, who carries the fight at arm’s length in the name of all, moved far from there, to Marseille, near the sea which is dear to him, drawing constantly renewed strength there. “I have one knee on the ground, never two”, he assures.

Eric Boisseranc: his lawyer is “convinced that this investigation will succeed”

“I’m on the lookout for everything, I want the truth, I’ll get it!”, he hammers on RTL. A feeling shared by his lawyer: “I am convinced that the investigation will succeed, I want it as a lawyer and as a man. After a few years, he creates a strong bond with his client and, even, a relationship of affection.” What to support this father as obstinate as that of Estelle Mouzin, who waited seventeen years before Michel Fourniret does not accuse himself of the crime in 2020, when he was already in the crosshairs of investigators in 2003!

On March 12, the Central Office for the Suppression of Violence against Persons launched an appeal for witnesses to all those who might have seen, without appearing at the time of the events, the Moitoiret-Hégo couple, who said to himself “on divine mission”, until deceiving a priest who lodged them near the place of the crime. A detail can only be the work of the devil: it is this same priest who baptized the three children of Eric Boisseranc…


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