the confidences of his ex-girlfriends at the trial


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Old acquaintances of Nordahl Lelandais came to the bar to testify to their intimate relationship with the defendant. They draw a man with two faces.

The trial of Nordahl Lelandais for the murder of little Maëlys, which he acknowledges and pleads accidental, continues in Grenoble during the first week of February 2022. Called to the bar on Wednesday February 2, several former relations of Nordahl Lelandais. Women with whom he maintained links for a few months, who told what they knew of Nordahl Lelandais. The first, who attended him in 2013 and 2014, explains that he filed a complaint after discovering a video of their sexual intercourse posted without his knowledge on YouPorn.

She recounts an episode of violence at the time of the rupture which caused her elbow tendonitis: “I didn’t file a complaint, what would have been the use? Me, I just wanted it to stop. Luckily, he stopped pissing me off. I got my son back and I haven’t heard from him anymore. “, explains the young woman, who specifies: “He abused me once, but not twice.”

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A fake identity on a dating site

The other young woman met Nordahl Lelandais in 2016. On the dating site, he calls himself Jordan. She discovered her true identity in the media. She tells : “I’ve never had scenes of violence, anything like that, never experienced that with him. I was surprised to learn from the media all these stories, he was always tender, except for the fact that he m lied about his first name and his professional activities”. She confides his surprise to the microphone of TF1 : “At the start, I said to myself that it was not possible, that there must have been a mistake, because the person I knew was not violent. I find it difficult to accept the situation. Then , it was necessary to realize that this was his true personality, and that he had played the wrong game with me for months.

Ines Abron

Celebrity news, psycho or sex topics, cooking recipes, practical advice for optimizing your daily budget… Inès is a jack-of-all-trades who loves to vary the subjects. With one constant: strive…

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