the correct prescription from doctor Anders Danielsen Lie

“Do you have a medical problem? “ We watched for Dr. Anders Danielsen Lie in the waiting room. It’s like that, in Cannes: you have to make an appointment with the actors or directors and wait for our turn, except that this actor is really a doctor in another life, at home in Norway. General practitioner in the district of Nordre Aker, a suburb of Oslo, he has, since the start of the pandemic, joined the health forces who are trying to limit the spread of the virus by vaccinating with a vengeance.

But, at 42, handsome as a fashion engraving, he is also in two films in competition: Julie (in 12 chapters), by Joachim Trier, and Bergman Island, by Mia Hansen-Love. “Two films at Cannes! This has never happened to me and there is very little chance that it will happen again. “ The man is modest. This is already Joachim Trier’s third film in which he stars in the male role and whose Oslo, August 31, ten years ago, made him an international star. Since then we saw it in Personal Shopper (2016), by Olivier Assayas, in Rilke at Doillon or interpreting Anders Breivik, in A 22nd of July (2018), by Paul Greengrass …

Read also: “Julie (in 12 chapters)”, portrait of the young woman in search of happiness

Anders Danielsen Lie’s double life began in 2005. That year, in his final year of medical school, he worked in a psychiatric hospital for young adults when he received a request for an audition. Because at 10 years old, he was the hero of a popular comedy, Herman, his name drags in the archives of casting companies. “When I replied that I wasn’t planning to act in a movie, they asked me if I didn’t want to read the script first. And when I read it, I said to myself: “If I ever do something as an actor, it must be with this film”. ” It was about New deal, Joachim Trier’s first film in 2006.

Freud must have fun up there: the father is a psychiatrist, the mother is an actress. She plays at the national theater. And the little Anders who, at 10, played Herman because a friend of hers, a director, was looking for a child, grew up, nourished by this ambivalence. When he says : “The film is about Julie, and her journey in search of an identity”, we obviously can’t help but think of him, of them: the charming doctor Danielsen and his mister Lie. This is what makes his wet eyes smile: “Absolutely. Even though Julie is darker than me, I understand her perfectly. I think she mostly looks like the character I play in Oslo, August 31. They have the same absolute, this self-defeating ambition. The man that I am would never go on that ground. “

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