“The country kept running”: Merkel thanks employees

“Land kept running”
Merkel thanks employees

Some expose themselves to an increased risk of infection in their job, others have to reconcile work, childcare and household chores in the home office: The pandemic demands a lot from employees. In her video podcast, Chancellor Merkel pays tribute to these people.

On Labor Day, Chancellor Angela Merkel praised the commitment and patience of the employees in the Corona crisis. “The pandemic has once again made it clear to us how important the work of each individual is so that the big picture works as usual,” said Merkel on Saturday in her weekly video podcast. “It is precisely jobs that otherwise don’t get that much attention that have kept the country going.”

Without the workers in the supermarkets and without truck drivers, the citizens would not have been able to rely on the usual supply of food, said the Chancellor. She would therefore like to “thank all employees for their day-to-day commitment”.

Merkel also recalled the stresses and strains of working in the home office. “I am aware of how exhausting it can be when the dining table is both a desk and homework space for the children for months,” said the Chancellor. But the home office is “a huge help against the spread of the virus”. It avoids daily subway or bus trips to work, it reduces contacts and thus opportunities for infection.

“Wherever the working conditions allow, we have now made it mandatory to work from home,” said Merkel, recalling the relevant regulations. Occupational safety has also been continuously improved for employees who cannot work from home. In addition to the distance and hygiene regulations, employers have been obliged to offer their employees two corona tests per week for some time now. “I urge you to take advantage of this offer now – for your own safety and because it is in everyone’s interest that infections are detected early.”

“That was money well invested”

The Chancellor was also convinced that there were “good reasons to be confident”. The corona vaccination campaign is picking up speed every day. By June at the latest, everyone would have the opportunity to arrange a vaccination appointment. But on Labor Day she wanted to “say thank you again – for your commitment in the most difficult time our country has experienced for generations, for your solidarity and for your patience”.

On May 1, the head of government also thanked works councils and trade unionists who advocate good working conditions and fair pay. As in the financial crisis, the social partnership has also proven itself in these difficult times.

In view of the economic downturn in the pandemic, the federal government used billions to increase short-time work benefits and extend the duration of benefits. “That was money well invested.” Companies could have kept their staff in this way. “And so you can get started again faster when the economy picks up again – and we expect that this year.”
