the Court of Auditors pleads for a “one-stop-shop”

Scattered systems, insufficiently targeted budgetary resources, poorly defined distribution of skills… In a note made public on Tuesday 14 December, the Court of Auditors draws up a critical assessment of professional integration policies in favor of young people. To improve performance, she sketched “Several avenues for progress” which go through a simplification of procedures and a redistribution of the powers attributed to the actors involved.

The share of people under 25 who have a job is higher today than before the recession triggered by the Covid-19 epidemic. But the situation of this age group remains worrying: in the third quarter, the unemployment rate in it stood at 20.1%, more than double the national average (8.1%). The risk of being unemployed when you are young is greater in our country than“In Germany and the Netherlands”, underline the magistrates of the rue Cambon in their audit broadcast on Tuesday.

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However, the public authorities did not stand still. Their effort to help those under 25 to enter the world of work amounted to some 10 billion euros per year, before the health crisis.

In addition, the answers to the problem are numerous and have been the subject of reforms over the past five years in order to focus on “Enhanced training and support”, as stated by the Court. An example: the youth guarantee, which combines “Collective remobilization”, individual support and professional immersion. But the results are “Rather tenuous” : one month after the release of this device, “The employment rate (…) is declining, year by year “ (23.9% in 2019, compared to 28.7% in 2015).

Two scenarios

Another limitation pointed out by the high court: the actions put in place do not focus enough on those who need them the most. Thus, apprenticeship entries soared (+ 42.6% between 2019 and 2020), but “Most of the new places created have benefited students able to follow a long course and have little benefited vulnerable groups”.

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For its part, Pôle emploi offers a “Intensive support for young people” Who “Is not (…) oriented towards those furthest from the labor market ”. The public establishment also suffers from a “Insufficient delimitation of borders” with another operator: local missions. Suddenly, the cooperation between the two networks proves ” random “ and there may even be “Tensions”, even ” competetion “.

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