the crazy family story behind the choice of his first name

Present on the set of Télématin on France 2 this Monday, November 27, 2023, Roch Voisine made surprising revelations about his first name. He told the family story behind the choice of this rather original first name.

We learn more about our favorite stars every day! Present on the set of Telematin with Thomas Sotto and Marie Portolano this Monday, November 27, 2023 on France 2, Roch Voisine told a surprising anecdote. The artist who celebrated his 60th birthday this year spoke about the origin of his first name. Indeed, the two acolytes, very fond of the story of their guests, questioned the singer of the title Helene on many subjects including the story behind his somewhat original first name.

It was then that Thomas Sotto, the host of the show asked him “Roch, where does that come from?» A question that the father must surely have heard very often given the individuality of his first name: “Apparently it was my father’s younger sister who won a family competition“, he explains on camera. A competition that allowed her to choose the first name of the future baby her parents were expecting: “She had a boyfriend named Roch. She was very loving, so she convinced my father and mother to call me Roch“.

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A family story…

An anecdote that left the mouth of the presenter, Marie Portolano, watering, since she then asked her if it was a family tradition as well as the first name of this famous aunt who chose her first name: “It was my aunt, Rolande, who chose my first name» he replies before adding: “Yes and no… For my two oldest, no, but my daughter has the name of her two grandmothers.» Indeed, it was in July 2020 that Roch Voisine became a father once again at the age of 57 of a little girl that he and his wife named Lily-Dorina.

Very happily married with his partner Myriam-Chantal, younger than him, 25 years separate them, he then revealed his daughter’s face in a very beautiful publication on his Instagram account. Here’s a new mystery unraveled!

The people? A whole world! Passionate about the media, networks, series, films, and investigative investigations of all kinds, it is naturally that Jessica turned to writing and that she takes…

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