Warning, in the following sentence animal species appear that are not necessarily suspected together: Several Humpback whales have been in the East Alligator River for a few days, where it actually is Crocodiles there, im CockatooNational Park in Northern Australia has been sighted. The marine mammals were actually on their way to Antarctica and got lost in the water. According to the national park administration, two whales have now managed to find their way back into the sea.
At least one whale was sighted 20 kilometers above the river mouth during the day, as the national park manager Feach Moyle said. "It's a little hard to tell if it's a whale or two," Moyle said, referring to that cloudy water. Whales are sometimes sighted off the coast of the Northern Territory in northern Australia, but according to the national park administration they have never lost their way into one of the national park's tropical rivers. The whales are believed to be on their way south "wrong turned"says Moyle.
. (tagsToTranslate) The (t) day (t) humpback whales (t) river (t) crocodiles