The day when Édouard Philippe “cried with rage” at Matignon

France 5 will broadcast on the evening of January 16 the documentary “Five Years”, a highlight of Emmanuel Macron’s five-year term which will soon come to an end. The opportunity to discover the most difficult days Édouard Philippe during which he could not help but shed tears.

What happened behind the walls of the Élysée since 2017 ? From the Benalla affair to the Yellow Vests crisis, France 5 will broadcast on Sunday January 16 at 8:55 p.m. the first part of the documentary “Five years”, devoted to the mandate of Emmanuel Macron. In the latter, his former Prime Minister, Édouard Phillip, returned to the difficult health crisis management who sometimes played on his nerves, as he had already indicated in his book Clear prints and lines (Ed. LGF): “Of course thatwe cry with rage. Cafes, restaurants, places of sociability… Will be closed.And to continue:I am then perfectly aware of the terrible blow that represents, for the restaurateur who has his fridge full and is going to lose his stocks.

During the first months of the health crisis caused by Covid-19, the President of the Republic and his former right-hand man thus somewhat struggling to agree on the thorny subject. While the first advocated deconfinement from May 11, 2020, the juppeist wanted slow down. Dismissed from power, Édouard Philippe nevertheless promised in an interview with the magazine Point last March that he “would not formulate no kind of criticism towards those” who have taken over the health management of the country. However, this did not prevent him from expressing his surprise when Jean Castex announced strict confinement of sixteen French departments.

> Discover the members of the Édouard Philippe galaxy

The start of discord?

Since departure of Édouard Philippe of the Élysée in July 2020, in the midst of a health crisis, relations between the politician and the president are remained unstable. While the mayor of Le Havre declared his full support for Emmanuel Macron for the 2022 presidential election, the latter decided in January to cut short the merger of Horizons and Agir, the centre-right majority party led by Franck Riester.

Photo credits: Thibaud Moritz/Pool/Bestimage

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