the decision he made after the diagnosis


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On January 25, 2022, Florent Pagny announced that he had an inoperable cancerous tumor. After hearing this terrible news, the singer made a decision.

Florent Pagny is going through a complicated period. On January 25, 2022, the artist announced that he had lung cancer, which was unfortunately inoperable. In the aftermath, he canceled his 60th birthday tour, wishing to focus on his health. “I have to enter a six-month protocol of chemotherapy and X-rays. (…) But here it is, me and my better half have to put ourselves in warrior mode to face this rather special ordeal“, he explained in a video posted on Instagram.

According to the newspaper Paris Match, since he learned of the diagnosis, Florent Pagny would have taken a big decision: cut off his mobile phone. “Since Tuesday, January 25, it is on that of Azucena that the messages flow. After recording his video, Florent cut his own“, reports the media. In these difficult times, the interpreter of “Savoir Aimer” can therefore count on the one who has shared his life for 27 years now.

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A cancer diagnosed during the filming of The Voice

Florent Pagny’s cancerous tumor was discovered somewhat by chance. According to Paris Match, he would have consulted a doctor and would have passed a battery of tests following symptoms approaching Covid-19. Nine days later the verdict falls: the artist is suffering from lung cancer, he is then in the middle of filming “The Voice”. Shocked, “he informs part of the team on the spot of the seriousness of this lung cancer that we have just diagnosed“, writes the newspaper.

In his announcement video, Florent Pagny also clarified that viewers of the show will be able to see him “in great shape” since it was recorded before he began treatment.

Maylis Casse

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