The nightclubs, which were closed for one month at the beginning of December in order to deal with the health situation, will remain closed for three additional weeks in January, the Minister Delegate in charge of tourism and SMEs said on Wednesday (December 29th), Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, on France Inter.
“The discos will not reopen on January 6 [la date butoir initialement donnée], confirmed the minister. They were closed in early December when the health situation was much better than what we know today. “ Clubs and discos have been closed since December 9, after announcements in early December by Prime Minister Jean Castex.
Aid is already planned for the sector. “We have set up a support system with 100% fixed cost and with partial activity. (…) It emerged from my consultations yesterday that the month of December representing 20% of annual turnover, these compensations should be completed. (…) I want to tell them our support in this ordeal, we will be at their side ”, said the minister.
France recorded a new record of Covid-19 contamination on Tuesday with nearly 180,000 new cases in the last twenty-four hours, after having already crossed the threshold of 100,000 cases on Christmas Day.