The Dumbledore Theory That Would Change Everything


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Harry Potter almost got kicked out of Hogwarts and the wizarding world at the start of the fifth book. According to some fans, it even happened.

The sagas that bring together millions of fans around the world regularly see their progress analyzed and dissected by them. This gives rise to more or less sensible theories. Harry Potter is no exception. Some twists and turns leave room for interpretation. and the creation of a back-story. This is particularly the case of a decisive episode of “The Order of the Phoenix”, the fifth volume of the adventures of the sorcerer, Cosmopolitan. These could have ended prematurely and in a very sad way without an intervention well about Albus Dumbledore.

In the early chapters, Harry is, indeed, tried at the Ministry of Magic for casting a spell outside of school against dementors. Refusing to believe in Voldemort’s return, the ministry advances the hour of the trial at the last moment in order to complicate the task of Harry and his lawyer for the occasion: Dumbledore.

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Dumbledore time traveler?

However, he arrives in time to save Harry from being expelled from Hogwarts and deprived of his wand. He even specifies that he was not informed of the new schedule, but that he arrived “by a happy coincidence” three hours early. A “chance” which can be explained by the intelligence and the malice of the wizard, but which fans consider a little too conventional.

Some therefore claim that Dumbledore would have useda time turner, magic object allowing to return one or more hours in the past. The headmaster of Hogwarts would therefore have arrived late the first time, and Harry would have lost his case, and put an end to his adventures. This could also explain the hasty departure from the courtroom of a Dumbledore wanting to avoid falling on his double from the past.

But the time travel theory raises other questions. Armed with such an object, Dumbledore could have avoided many other tragedies, such as Sirius’ death or even his own. Proponents of this version believe that these disasters did not prevent the final victory of the young wizard, and therefore did not need to be avoided. Changing the past is not a trivial thing. Dumbledore would therefore only have used this card in this extreme case, where he himself had not been able to save the hero.

Victor Lefebvre

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