The Edge, Bono and George Clooney decorated, maybe that’s a detail for you…

Chosen skewer

There are people on the balcony. In this case, from left to right, we recognize here The Edge, historical guitarist of U2, Bono, the leader of the group, and finally George Clooney, who has nothing to do with Irish rockers, but leads a brilliant career actor and coffee seller. Sunday, December 4, the three men were reunited in Washington, as part of the prestigious ceremony organized annually since 1978 by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, during which they each received an award for the whole of their work.

rainbow of arts

The proof, The Edge, Bono and George wear said award around their necks. To distinguish itself from competing ceremonies, the John F. Kennedy Prize does not award a gold charm to its winners, but a multicolored fabric necklace. Invented by Ivan Chermayeff, creator of the iconic NBC or National Geographic logos, the necklace in question, very close to the rainbow flag of the LGBT community, in fact illustrates the variety of living arts rewarded within the framework of the ceremony: each color has its own discipline.

Brooch at the neck

Since we are talking about a necklace, note that another accessory adorns The Edge’s neck. Under his multicolored collar, he wears a Texan tie, or bolo tie, recognizable by its leather link and its silver brooch. If the origin of the thing is debated, the most widespread version says that a certain Victor Cedarstaff, a blacksmith from Arizona, invented the bolo tie, totally by chance, one day placing around his neck the decorative band usually adorning his hat. As a tribute to Cedarstaff, the bolo tie is moreover, since 1971, the official tie of the State of Arizona.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Are women the future of the tie?

Well in the nails

But what is Bono doing here? Does he scream his disgust for the bolo tie from The Edge? does he sing With or Without You at the top of your lungs? Or is he celebrating a goal in the middle of the World Cup? In the absence of absolute certainty on the question (the absence of the Irish selection in Qatar nevertheless makes the last hypothesis improbable), let us content ourselves with recalling a fact and thereby congratulating the Irish singer: tuxedo shirts are not not close with buttons, but, as here, with nails, or dowels, a sort of pin screwing on themselves.

Tuxedo, no tuxedo

Finally, let’s ask the annoying question: isn’t George Clooney reading this column? Or, worse, does he read it and literally make fun of us? In fact, we have been repeating for months, even years, that wearing a tuxedo is not compatible with wearing a watch, for the simple reason that time should no longer matter. at a quality social event. However, we are formal, it is indeed a tuxedo that Clooney wears and it is indeed a watch which exceeds the wrist of his shirt. Box of coffee.

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