The environmental bonus for e-cars remains – but there is a catch

Buyers of e-cars can look forward to the environmental coupon in 2022 as well. (Image source: Volkswagen AG)

The feared end for the environmental bonus does not come. Electric cars are to be subsidized by the state with up to 9,000 euros in 2022. After that, however, other rules apply that are more closely linked to climate protection. Plug-in hybrids are also affected.

E-cars: environmental bonus of 9,000 euros remains

Anyone who buys an electric car can receive up to 6,000 euros from the state and a further 3,000 euros from the manufacturer. Plans, according to which the environmental bonus or the “innovation bonus” called funding should no longer be extended to the end of the year, are now off the table. The new economic and climate protection minister Robert Habeck (Greens) explains that the Funding until the end of 2022 persists.

Buyers of electric cars can therefore also be sure of the premium in 2022. In addition to e-cars, plug-in hybrids are also subsidized, but the subsidy is limited to a maximum of 6,750 euros. The federal government has paid for the previous funding around 4.1 billion euros provided.

An important change is due in 2023. From then on, there should no longer be general support for all e-cars. Instead, the environmental bonus is only available if the vehicles “can be shown to have one positive climate protection effect“(Source: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection). This is what it says in the coalition agreement between the SPD, the Greens and the FDP.

There are still some myths about electric cars that we like to clear up in the video:

Funding for e-cars: new climate protection standards are coming

According to the announcement, the state subsidy for e-cars from 2023 will be defined “via the proportion of electric driving and a minimum electric range”. The declared goal is the “switch to clean mobility”. So it could be tight with plug-in hybrids. Further Details or guidelines have not yet been mentioned, but should be defined and published by the end of the year.

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