the factories of the future have nothing to envy of those of “Modern Times”

40%. This is the extent of the drop in workforce in the French automotive sector from 2004 to 2020. That is 130,000 jobs lost over this period which coincide with a transfer of production by successive relocations in Eastern Europe, in Spain, in Portugal, Turkey, Morocco.

As part of the scientific mediation project “What do we know about work? » of Interdisciplinary laboratory for public policy evaluation (Liepp), broadcast in collaboration with the Presses de Sciences Po on the Employment channel of the site, the sociologist of work Juan Sebastian Carbonell demonstrates how globalization and modernization of the sector have degraded working conditions: by reinforcing blackmail at work and by introducing management through stress.

Indeed, relocations have been accompanied by restructuring with new financial imperatives. That’s when “blackmail to maintain employment in France has become a powerful lever in the hands of manufacturers when it comes to lowering working conditions”, underlines the sociologist. To hunt for small savings and productivity gains, companies have made profound changes in work organizations by introducing lean in the factories.

This management method inspired by “Toyotism” promises production as closely as possible to what the market demands by avoiding waste and limiting stocks thanks to the adaptability of existing employees and the support of temporary workers. “When Toyota moved to the north of France and ramped up production of the Yaris in 2004, one in four workers was temporary or on a fixed-term contract”illustrates Mr. Carbonell.

Legislative developments have framed the movement. The “competitiveness agreements” in 2008, then those for “job retention” in 2013, those for “preservation or development of employment” in 2016, and finally “collective performance” in 2017 facilitated the extension of working hours sometimes with little or no compensation.

In the automobile industry, they gave birth to theovertime. Half-hours or overtime sometimes announced the day before, sometimes the same day to absorb variations in demand, breakdowns and supply disruptions. Concretely, these changes did not bring the zenitude promised to employees, but rather longer days, unpredictable schedules, surveillance between workers and an accusatory dynamic.

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