The First Star: is a third film planned?

Marine de Guilhermier


Passionate about the big and small screen and fascinated by actors, Marine has very eclectic tastes. She nevertheless has a preference for American cinema and devours everything that passes her eyes, from the huge blockbuster to the smallest independent film.

Aired tonight on M6, the film The First Star has already had a sequel soberly titled The Second Star, but is a Third Star on the program? We tell you everything!

The first production by Lucien Jean-Baptiste, La Première étoiles was a resounding success when it was released in 2009, attracting nearly 1,700,000 spectators. Very quickly, a sequel had been mentioned but it was then not in the plans of the filmmaker.

I happen to be not a ‘movie maker’. ‘Laying’ on command, I don’t know how. (…) In addition, the exercise of the following frightened me a little, because it is very perilous”, He said during the promotion of The Second Star in 2017. Because, yes, after 8 years, Lucien Jean-Baptiste finally had the idea that he was waiting to embark on a second episode. The latter, however, did not meet the same success as its predecessor, ending his career with 415,592 entries.

Asked at the time about the possibility of staging a third part of the mountain adventures of the Elisabeth family, Lucien Jean-Baptiste assured: “It’s far too early to tell! (laughs). In any case, I haven’t found the subject yet …

And not sure he has worked on the subject since given the disappointing results of The Second Star at the box office. No Third Star on the horizon, therefore, but that does not prevent the director from continuing his successful acting career in cinema and television.

Did you know that Lucien Jean-Baptiste was also a voice actor and that he is notably the French voice of Martin Lawrence?

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