the first time “Le Monde” wrote it

On does not know if Emmanuel Macron will taste the reference, but the “streaming theory” appears for the first time in the columns of the World, in English please, the “ Trickle down theory “, November 14, 1981 from the pen of Robert Solé, a year after the election of the ultra-liberal Republican Ronald Reagan to the White House.

This runoff theory, according to which “Economic recovery can only be obtained by helping high finance and large industry”, because fortune will then flow all along the social pyramid, sticks to the basques of President Macron, reputed to give gifts to the rich. The Head of State has always refused to adhere to such a theory, but speaks, nuance, of “First in line”. In his words, spoken on October 15, 2017 on TF1, “If you start throwing stones at the first ones in the roped party, the whole roped party tumbles down”.

The article by Robert Solé in 1981 relates a crisis at the highest point of the American administration which shows to what extent this notion conceals political and controversial load.

While Joe Biden just declared, on April 28, during his first speech to Congress, that this theory “Never worked”, Robert Solé’s article in 1981 relates a crisis at the highest summit of the American administration which shows to what extent this notion conceals political and polemical charge: ” The US president had to confront the Stockman affair, named after his budget director. This brilliant economist had naively expressed some doubts, in front of a journalist, on the economic policy for which he was responsible: through a uniform reduction in taxes for all income brackets, we were only trying to restore the Trickle down theory, that is to say the classic Republican thesis according to which economic recovery can only be obtained by helping high finance and big industry. Mr. David Stockman was summoned to the White House and seriously admonished. ”

It was not until February 23, 2004 to find, in French, the trace of a “runoff” theorized by the Dutch philosopher Bernard Mandeville at the beginning of the 18th century.e century in its Fable of the bees. Journalist Frédéric Joignot met Nobel Prize winner in economics Joseph E. Stiglitz, guest at the Davos Forum, “After being welcomed as a hero at the Bombay Social Forum”.

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