The foolproof tip for making homemade laundry detergent

Do you want to get started with “homemade” even for your household products? Both more natural and less expensive, making your own homemade laundry detergent is not an idea to take lightly! So, if you want to get started, here is this foolproof tip for doing your own laundry!

The trend for homemade household products is gaining more and more momentum in France and around the world. In recent years, we have seen a strong comeback of natural products in our daily lives. It is with this in mind that an influencer Jonathan Coni Astuces revealed his foolproof tip for creating your own homemade laundry detergent. A technique which, in addition to being an ecological approach, will allow you to save hundreds of euros per year!

If industrial detergents are designed to be more attractive with an attractive texture and smell, it is important to know that this is not a guarantee of effectiveness. With this tip, you are sure to benefit from a natural detergent, but above all one which acts effectively on even the most stubborn stains on your clothes. Very simple to do and within everyone’s reach, doing your own homemade laundry is ultimately a very rewarding task, so if you want to try it, follow the guide!

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The recipe for this homemade laundry detergent

As the influencer reveals, it’s a real “genius tip» which costs less than 30 cents for a two-liter container of detergent. You only need one minute to make this foolproof detergent and in addition to being completely safe for your clothes, for the planet and for your washing machine, you will do good for your wallet! In order to make your own homemade laundry detergent, you need to follow three small steps: take an old empty two-liter laundry detergent container and add about 5 tablespoons of soda crystals (the crystals can be replaced with bicarbonate if you don’t have don’t have one). Then pour 300 ml of liquid black soap with linseed oil and finally finish by filling the container with hot water and shaking.

Simple, quick and ecological, all you need is 100 ml of this mixture to pour into your washing machine to wash your laundry! And if you want to give your mixture a little scent, you can add a few drops of essential oils. So are you going to try?

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