the French turn to fallout shelters

Faced with the fear of a nuclear war fueled by the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, more and more French people are asking about the possibility of acquiring an anti-atomic shelter. If the phenomenon is widespread in Switzerland, it is still quite confidential in France.

While some fear a decline in real estate sales due to the war in Ukraine, some companies are unaware of the crisis. The sellers of fallout shelters are smiling: the French have taken a close interest in this type of construction since the start of the conflict on 24 February.

As reminded France Info France is the 2nd country in the world in terms of the number of nuclear power plants, but has only 1000 fallout shelters. And less than half (400) are owned by individuals.

Switzerland, champion of fallout shelters

But the trend could change. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Amesis Bat., leader in the sector, has been working just in time, with a request every twenty minutes and a good ten contracts, assures Enzo Petrone, manager of the structure, in The Parisian.

Still, France is still very far from its neighbors in this area. As explained The world, Switzerland is notably the champion of fallout shelters, with 320,000 units, enough to protect more than 100% of its population. According to Swiss law, since 1963, each inhabitant must have a protected place in a shelter located near their place of residence. If these buildings have long been used as libraries or sports halls, they are gradually regaining their primary use in the face of the current situation.

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If it is not certain that France will catch up with Switzerland before many years, people interested in affording an atomic shelter can obviously apply for credit to finance this project which requires a budget of at least 100,000 euros.

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