the funny nickname that Bigflo gave to Vianney

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This Saturday April 15 marked the start of the first battles of the twelfth season of “The Voice” (TF1). After pitting two of his candidates against each other, Vianney was given a nickname by another juror, Bigflo.

Bigflo and his brother Oli never fail to tease Vianney on the set of The Voice. At the beginning of the twelfth season of the singing contest, they already made him undergo the first “super-block” for prevent him from setting his sights on a candidate that they wanted to integrate into their team. Bigflo had also pretended to leave the set with Zazie, after discovering that Vianney knew two candidates blind auditions. This Saturday, April 15, Bigflo arrested him by calling him “Via-Via”.

The date marked the kick-off of the battles: during this event, two candidates from the same team compete on the same song. Then, a vote of the other jurors and the choice of their coach determines who can continue the adventure. During a battle, Dame and Bénaël, members of Vianney’s team, sang “I loved you, I love you, I will love youby Francis Cabrel, accompanied on stage by their coach on the guitar. A moment caused by a new rule that places the coach’s red chair on stage, between his apprentice singers; a rule that did not please Amel Bent at first. At the end of their performance, the two candidates and their mentor were applauded by the jurors. “Bravo Via-Via, we had a great time, it was a very nice moment”, launched Bigflo at him. Asked by Nikos Aliagas about this new nickname, the Toulouse rapper justified himself: “We are close in life.” Vianney added: “He says that all the time!”

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“My parents say Ney-Ney”

Imitating his brother, Oli also nicknamed the singer “Via-Via” giving him his personal assessment of the battle. Asked about this nickname by Nikos Aliagas, Vianney split an anecdote about his family : “My parents say Ney-Ney”, he confided on the set. After this parenthesis, the interpreter of Not here had to face a difficult choice, the votes being close between its two candidates. While Dame had had the two votes of Zazie and Bigflo and Oli, Vianney chose to involve Bénaël in the “cross battles” to face a member of another team.


Passionate about writing, Floréane is interested in a wide variety of subjects. When she’s not writing about current events, the environment or gender issues, she takes refuge under a blanket…

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