The government’s ten avenues for “living in the France of tomorrow”

How should we live in France tomorrow, taking into account the climate emergency and the housing crisis? This is the question that the Minister of Housing, Emmanuelle Wargon, tried to answer, Thursday, October 14, by presenting, at the end of eight months of work, a “Vision”, his, which would make it possible to reconcile the general interest and the interest of each one, and to go beyond this a priori contradictory injunction: to build more by artificializing less.

Ten issues are listed. Some come with concrete measures. Others, still under construction, are those for which no response was provided during the five-year term, while the housing promise was that of a construction shock to lower prices. and allow the French to find housing.

This exercise, Emmanuelle Wargon had not planned to conduct it when taking up her duties, in the summer of 2020. But the Covid-19 pandemic has made questions of quality of housing and access to “green” even more sensitive. and, in certain territories, places of socialization. Such a reflection had not been carried out for a long time, since there is no longer an authority which works on a long-term vision of the development.

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These proposals, like a roadmap left to the following ones, were nourished by a consultation carried out with 4,000 French people, citizen workshops, but also six round tables during which town planners, architects, developers, industrialists, donors, elected officials and researchers debated the topics of density, renovation, diversity, transport and consumption.

  • Leading the cultural battle for density

We must face the facts : “The dream of a pavilion with a garden” to which 75% of French people aspire “Is not compatible with environmental issues. We must therefore propose another ideal “, introduces the Minister of Housing. But there is here a serious cultural battle to be waged to make “Desirable” collective housing and dense neighborhoods, with less land tenure. It started this summer with a series of twelve spots broadcast on M6. Stéphane Plaza, the favorite real estate agent of the French, praises these districts of Marseille, Cergy, Espelette, Nantes or Strasbourg, which “Mix[nt] habitat and nature ”, where we have “Transformed the existing”, or built “A 100% wooden building”, because, he insists, “That’s it, living in the France of tomorrow!” “

Still in the idea of “Change representations”, a platform will present, at the end of November, 128 realizations which reconcile “Durable and desirable”, according to the established terms. Finally, there is the idea of ​​a general public campaign to be carried out, but it does not say that it will see the light of day before the end of the five-year term.

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