“The great contest of the animators”: the daring outfit of Elsa Fayer is controversial: Current Woman The MAG

Friday, June 19, 2020, Laurence Boccolini hosted a new issue of Great competition for animators sure TF1. Once is not custom, the program which was presented by Carole Rousseau during 15 years was very commented on the social networks. Laurence Boccolini's new look and new weight loss surprised internet users who did not hesitate to note that she was more beautiful than ever in a classic sailor shirt and with her refreshed haircut.

Besides Laurence Boccolini's weight loss, there is Elsa Fayer's outfit, which has been the subject of many tweets. The animator of 10 Perfect Couples appeared with a transparent black top revealing her belly. If she dresses well as she wants and it was sublime, Internet users have run wild about it.

Commented outfit

If Laurence Boccolini was the first to have fun with "the very low-cut Elsa Fayer", Internet users were quick to follow. During the broadcast of the program, a surfer rebelled: "They did not forget to dress Elsa Fayer?", but fortunately, the host was strongly defended for this choice of dress.

Among the tweets defending Elsa Fayer, we read: "What is their problem with Elsa Fayer's outfit? There is nothing vulgar "," Laurence Boccolini can stop talking about Elsa's cleavage", or "Otherwise, she dresses for her and she is right".

Read also : “The great competition for animators”: Laurence Boccolini thinned, the Internet users impressed