The happiest people in the world: 3 subtle phrases Danes say every day

The happiest people in the world
3 subtle phrases Danes say every day

With these simple sentences the Danes show how happy they are.

The Danes are often considered the happiest people in the world. But where does their high level of well-being come from? Certain sentences from the Danes in particular play a role, as the video shows.

The people of Denmark have a reputation for being particularly happy and contented. Much of this is rooted in their everyday life, their culture and their outlook on life. This is also reflected in certain sentences that Danes say every day, which reflect a positive attitude towards life.

3 simple sentences that people in Denmark say every day

Whether it is the enjoyment of the moment or a sense of community, these statements play an important role in Danish life and promote well-being. You can find out which sentences influence the everyday happiness of the Danish people in our video.

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