the hypothesis of a kidnapping “for financial reasons” resurfaces

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Disappeared since November 26, Kevin Trompat and Leslie Hoorelbeke, as a couple, are nowhere to be found and no leads have given much for the moment. Only the hypothesis of a kidnapping ‘for financial reasons’ is given.

This Thursday, January 5, research was organized in the Prahecq sector, the last known place before the disappearance of Leslie Hoorelbeke and Kevin Trompat, about whom relatives are very worried. These brought together more than fifty people, on the initiative of the young man’s mother-in-law missing who recently came out of silence.

The couple and their dog Onyx were last seen on rue du Four on the night of November 25 to 26 around 3 a.m. It happened after a night out with friends. Since then, the two lovers, in a relationship for three weeks at the time of the disappearance, have not been found. In desperation and incomprehension, some think, like Kevin’s mother-in-law, to a kidnapping for a specific reason.

The hypothesis of a kidnapping for financial reasons

More than a month after their disappearance, no lead has been able to really advance the investigation. A hypothesis is however retained in view of the vagueness around this disappearance: that of a kidnapping “for financial reasons”. When hunt organized this Thursday, January 5Kevin’s mother-in-law was questioned by the media and came off as crestfallen.

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At the microphone of the journalists, the latter said everything she knew about the situation, in particular the last time she had seen the young man, the night of his disappearance. to bring him things he needed, a sum of money to buy a car she said before specifying that it was a substantial sum: He had almost 10,000 euros in cashit was to buy a car“. She then went on to say that she did not at all understand the reasons for their disappearance in view of their lambda profile: Kevin has no enemies, Leslie has no enemies, they are young people without problems. The mystery still persists, a month later.


Cannes native of Toulouse, Déborah loves shopping as much as supporting her favorite rugby team. A true writing enthusiast, she reveals all the scoops and latest…

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