The inclusion of children with disabilities in school, the most striking topic of the week

Each week, the IFOP surveys the subjects of the presidential campaign that the French have deemed significant.

Will his remarks on the inclusion of disabled children in school have a lasting impact on his campaign? For the French polled by Ifop, the highly commented outing of Eric Zemmour is the political event of the week, cited by 39% of those questioned. It is considered more significant than the revelations on the presence in Ibiza at the beginning of January of Jean-Michel Blanquer, Minister of National Education, at the time of the announcement of the new health protocols at school, the progress of the campaign in full health crisis and even the candidacy of Christiane Taubira (38%). The conviction of Éric Zemmour for provocation to racial hatred, Monday January 17 was also considered significant for 34% of those polled, far ahead of the immersive meeting of Jean-Luc Mélenchon (27%), Robert Ménard’s support for Marine Le Pen (18%) and especially Valérie Pécresse’s trip to Greece, which went relatively unnoticed (only cited by 11% of respondents).

The French increasingly interested in the countryside

More than seven out of ten French people (71%) say they are interested in the electoral campaign according to the Ifop-Fiducial survey for Paris Match, LCI and Sud Radio. A rising figure (+2) which, for the moment, is not accompanied by a surge in participation. In our real-time presidential poll, only 64% of those polled say they are ready to vote, compared to more than 77.8% in the first round of the 2017 presidential election.

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