The latest on the corona crisis – preliminary data: Moderna-Booster protects against Omikron – News

  • 12:28

    Ticino closes the emergency rooms of two hospitals

    Ticino is temporarily closing the emergency rooms of the Ospedale Italiano in Lugano and those of the Ospedale Regionale in Faido. This should make more staff and material available for the intensive care units, explains canton doctor Giorgio Merlani in front of the media.

    The emergency rooms of the two hospitals were initially closed until January 7th. The emergency room of the Ospedale Italiano in Lugano is already closed, the one in Faido closes on Monday evening. This regulation should ensure that the care of Covid as well as all other patients can be guaranteed.

    There are currently 20 people in intensive care in the southern canton. According to Merlani, 14 of them are unvaccinated and six of them are vaccinated.

    The emergency room of the Ospedale Italiano in Lugano had already been temporarily closed during the first wave of coronavirus.

  • 12:01 pm

    Booster vaccinations in Thurgau after four months

    In the canton of Thurgau, booster vaccinations are possible after four instead of six months. So if you last had a vaccination in mid-August, you can book a booster appointment from tomorrow, Saturday, it says in a message from the Pandemic Department of the Canton of Thurgau, Link opens in a new window.

    The vaccination offer in Thurgau is increased because a rush for the booster vaccination is expected. 2000 vaccinations per day will be possible in Thurgau. In addition, the vaccination center in Weinfelden is open on December 25th and 26th and also on January 1st and 2nd. Booster vaccinations are only available by appointment.

    Just last week the Federal Council announced that the waiting period between the second and third vaccination would be shortened from six to four months. Several cantons have responded. Not so in the canton of St. Gallen. He waits with the shortened period until the Federal Commission for Vaccination Issues makes a corresponding recommendation.

  • 11:38

    Omikron: Moderna-Booster protects well

    According to study data, the Moderna vaccine still appears to be effective against the new Omikron variant after three doses. The booster with a dosage of 50 micrograms increases the omicron-neutralizing antibody level by around 37 times, Moderna said with reference to preliminary data. A booster dose over 100 micrograms increases the antibody level around 83 times compared to the level before the booster vaccination.

    Distribution and danger: we know that about Omikron.

    In order to respond to this highly transferable variant, Moderna will continue to advance the development of an Omikron-specific booster candidate and quickly bring it into the clinical test phase, should this become necessary in the future.

  • 11:25

    Aargau government council: More hardship millions for companies

    In the canton of Aargau, restaurants, travel companies and the event industry can also expect hardship payments from July to December due to the corona pandemic. The government council decided to extend the hardship measures. It’s about 40 million francs.

    The assessment period for the previous support ended on June 30th. Aargau companies that are already qualified as hardship cases will now also receive an additional fixed cost contribution for the months of July to December, as the Aargau government council announced.

    This is how the corona numbers are developing in the cantons.

  • 10:46

    Twelve people with omicron mutants died in Great Britain

    Twelve people have died in Great Britain in whom the omicron mutant of the coronavirus was detected. There are currently 104 people in hospital who have contracted it, said Deputy British Prime Minister Dominic Raab to Times Radio. The Omikron variant is currently spreading rapidly in Great Britain.

    Omikron is also spreading in Switzerland. The Federal Council has reacted, from today stricter corona measures will apply. Virologist Isabella Eckerle sees this critically. 2G or 2G + would not have a big effect on Omikron.

  • 10:09

    Over 66,200 new infections and at least 152 deaths in the USA

    In the USA, the number of new infections increases by at least 66,231 within 24 hours. That gives a Reuters count based on official data. In total, around 50.94 million people have been proven to be infected with the corona virus. The number of deaths related to the coronavirus increases by at least 152 to 809,268. The USA, where around 330 million people live, has the highest number of infections and deaths worldwide.


    Israel bans its citizens from traveling to the United States from Tuesday if they do not have special permission to do so. The reason given is the spread of the omicron mutant in the USA.


  • 9:35

    Photo of Johnson appeared with just under 20 people

    After reports of lockdown parties in the UK government headquarters, a photo of Prime Minister Boris Johnson with almost 20 people in the garden on Downing Street has emerged. On the picture published on Monday by the Guardian, from a time with strict contact restrictions, Johnson can be seen at a table with his wife Carrie and two employees. Spread across the garden you can see other groups, there is wine and cheese. A government spokesman said it was a working meeting.

    Back then, in May 2020, only a maximum of two people were allowed to meet in England, outside and at a distance of two meters. Working meetings should only take place «if absolutely necessary».

    The photo joins a series of reports of parties that are said to have taken place on Downing Street during the lockdown. Boris Johnson therefore lacks the political authority to defend stricter corona measures. Labor Vice-Leader Angela Rayner called the picture a “slap in the face of the British public”.

  • 9:06

    Israel: Switzerland is a “red country”

    Israel forbids its citizens to travel to Switzerland because of the Corona situation. The government announced that the measure to contain the omicron variant of the corona virus should come into effect on Wednesday at midnight (local time). The cabinet confirmed a corresponding recommendation by the Ministry of Health.

    In addition, from Wednesday Italy, the USA, Belgium, Hungary, Morocco, Portugal, Canada as well as Turkey and Germany will also be considered “red countries”. There is already an entry ban for foreigners in Israel.

    Empty hall at Ben Gurion International Airport in Lod.


    So far, more than 50 countries – especially in Africa – have been classified as “red”, Israelis are only allowed to travel there with special permits.


  • 8:07

    Man in New Zealand fell ill with myocarditis and died

    In New Zealand, a 26-year-old man has apparently died after an initial vaccination with the active ingredient from Biontech / Pfizer as a result of myocarditis. “Based on the information currently available, the panel has concluded that this person’s myocarditis is likely due to the vaccination,” said an independent panel responsible for monitoring the safety of the vaccine. Pfizer did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

    Despite very rare side effects – the panel says the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any possible risks.

  • 7:52

    Europe: Omikron spreads

    The omicron virus variant is spreading rapidly in Europe. The first countries are imposing drastic restrictions in some cases before Christmas – also for those who have been vaccinated. Here you will find an overview of the situation.

  • 5:49

    Access stop for unvaccinated and faster booster vaccinations

    As of today, only those who have been vaccinated or have recovered will have access to the interior of facilities such as restaurants and to indoor events. All cultural, leisure and sports facilities and events are also affected by the tightening of the certification requirement indoors. In addition, there is a mask requirement for everyone. Only those who sit are allowed to take off the mask and drink or eat.

    Those who want to do without the additional requirement can voluntarily request a test. This so-called 2G-plus rule is also mandatory in situations in which the mask or seat obligation cannot be implemented. For example in discos, indoor swimming pools, bars, brass music rehearsals or indoor sports with physical contact.

    Vaccinated and convalescent people are only allowed access there if they also present a negative corona test. This does not apply to people who have been infected or who have received a vaccination in the last four months.

    The overview: The Federal Council decided on these tightening.

  • 5:47

    The most important of the weekend

    Good morning, here you will find the latest news from the weekend:

    • Austria: To contain the Omikron variant of the corona virus, Austria tightened its entry requirements on Monday. The 2G + rule has been in effect since midnight.
    • Denmark: Because of the rapid spread of the omicron variant of the coronavirus, Denmark has shut down large parts of public life.
    • Switzerland: The short-term reduced waiting period for the booster vaccination from six to four months puts many cantons in a mess. You are now preparing for an enormous rush of those willing to booster.
    • Great Britain: The British capital London declared a disaster on Saturday due to the rapid spread of the omicron variant of the corona virus.

    You can find all the news from the past week here.

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