the latest patch will greatly disappoint some players

A huge PlayStation Portal exploit has been fixed with update 2.0.6. A “bad” surprise for some who will have to say goodbye to the games on this cult console.

Long mocked because of its limitations, PlayStation Portal finally broke through and was even beyond Sony’s expectations. We have seen stock shortages almost everywhere, and at the time of writing these lines, the product is still unavailable from the main French sellers. A perfect remote player if you’re traveling, and have a stable connection at home and away, or don’t have access to the screen at home. But last month, some managed to run games locally. An event which was not very well received by Sony Interactive Entertainment.

PlayStation Portal is no longer a luxury PSP

The PlayStation Portal is a beautiful technological toy for anyone who uses it. On the other hand, if you are hoping to have the equivalent of a Nintendo Switch or a Steam Deck, forget it! The PS Portal is a device for using Remote Play – in a more advanced and comfortable version than on a phone for example. This feature allows you to remotely turn on your PS5 or PS4, and stream games from your library on a portable screen. But last month there was a big change. Google engineers have succeeded in running PSP titles on PlayStation Portal with the PPSSPP emulator.

After more than a month of work, PPSSPP is running natively on PlayStation Portal. Yes, we hacked it » they announced on X. The PS Portal was therefore hacked, but the two houses immediately alerted Sony which reacted very quickly. A fix contained in the latest update 2.0.6 therefore prevents the reproduction of this exploit, and a hypothetical further hack of the PS Portal. In the patch notes, the PlayStation site only specifies having “improved system software performance and stability”.

According to a Google employee, Andy Nguyenwhich highlighted PlayStation Portal vulnerabilities, firmware 2.0.6 cannot be bypassed. “I just realized that PS Portal requires you to update it to the latest firmware during initial installation” he indicated on X. For information, this patch 2.0.6 weighs 943 Mb. Apart from this new feature, some comments indicate that they have seen better visuals with this update. Placebo effect or reality? It’s up to you if you have PlayStation Portal.

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