the levers to decarbonize France

In 2019, the French Parliament voted for a goal of carbon neutrality by 2050: concretely, this means gradually stopping the use of oil, gas and coal, the combustion of which causes climate change. Moving from intentions to practice is however far from obvious: two-thirds of global energy consumption, for heating, transport or work, is based on fossil fuels. In 2021, the Electricity Transmission Network (RTE) published scenarios that outline what a carbon-free France may look like.

How can France concretely get rid of fossil fuels? Should we bet on nuclear power, renewable energies, sobriety, or on all of these at the same time? And how to achieve this in the midst of an energy crisis?

Thomas Veyrenc, Executive Director in charge of RTE's “strategy, forecasting and evaluation” division.

Thomas Veyrenc is executive director in charge of the “strategy, forecasting and evaluation” division of RTE. He coordinated the “Energy Futures 2050” studyand carried out more than two years of consultation on the subject.

An episode produced by Adèle Ponticelli with the help of Esther Michon, directed by Amandine Robillard. Original music: Amandine Robillard.

“Human Warmth” is a weekly podcast of reflection and debate on ways to face the climate challenge. Listen to a new episode for free every Tuesday, on, Apple Podcast, Acast or Spotify. Find all the episodes here.

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