The limit of PokéCoins on Pokémon Go divides the players

Pokémon Go only allows trainers to earn 50 PokéCoins per day for free, a limit that is far from unanimous.

Players often complain about the pay-to-win aspect of Pokémon Go, which allows those who don’t hesitate to use their credit card when needed to afford small boosts like Raid Passes remote, or incense. However, the game also allows players to earn free PokéCoins every day.

By letting Pokémon defend an arena, trainers can earn up to 50 PokéCoins per day, which is barely enough to afford incense. It therefore takes several days to earn enough PokéCoins to buy items like Poké Balls or Raid Passes.


On Pokémon Go, Trainers can earn up to 50 PokéCoins per day.

In the eyes of a number of players, such a low daily limit of free PokéCoins can only encourage them to turn to microtransactions.

The daily limit of PokéCoins on Pokémon Go is still not unanimous

On Reddit, a player tired of the 50 PokéCoin limit shared his frustration. “Anyone else opposed to the 50 PokéCoins per day limit?”he asked. “I don’t find it necessary at all and just see it as a trick to keep me buying coins instead of earning coins.”

While several players echoed his displeasure, a number of them disagreed. Most raised the fact that it was the classic model of free to play. Others have pointed out that this limit regulates the number of players who go to arenas.

Although identity theft isn’t as big of a problem as it used to be on Pokémon Go, players have also mentioned that the 50 PokéCoin limit is a great way to fight identity thieves and prevent them from completely destroy the arenas.

However, most trainers agreed that Niantic could keep this limit, but give players more ways to earn free PokéCoins.

Niantic had announced that they were planning to implement new ways to earn PokéCoins a few years ago, but trainers still haven’t seen the color of it.

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