the lost of the Covid years

Por most people, the last few years have followed one another normally: 2019, 2020, 2021… while waiting for 2022. But, for another category of people, they have followed one another differently: 2019, 20Covid, while waiting for 2022. 2020 and 2021 were only a long temporal sausage impossible to sausage.

The first confinement, they remember it very precisely and, since then, they are plunged into a great continuum that never ends. Did last Christmas really exist if we didn’t celebrate it as a family? Have we really changed the year if we haven’t woken up? Not to mention the usual disturbed landmarks: the Paris marathon from April to October, the 2020 Olympic Games to be held in 2021 …

In the world of books, the novelist Serge Joncour went to the Brive Fair in November 2021 to seek the prize that had rewarded him in 2020, while the Breizh prize was awarded to the winners of 2020 and 2021 at once. to know, during an event, if we attend the 2020 delay or if we have gone back to life live? “We lose the temporal benchmarks of everyday life. Time is no longer understood in the same way ”, notes the 2021 study by the research firm Sociovision. Or was it the 2020 study?

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How do we recognize them?

When they try to date a memory, they are not sure if it was a very long time ago, when there was Covid-19, or the day before yesterday, when there was Covid-19. When they run into friends, they spend the first dozen minutes trying to assess how much time has passed since they last saw each other. When they hear “On his birthday”, they answer ” who ? “. They know very well where they were during the first lockdown but need to think about how long it lasted. They must go back to their health papers to remember the dates of their last scalings, mammograms, colonoscopies and other regular appointments. They only have births, burials and the stages of children’s schooling to date the events.

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How they talk

“I have an event planned for next January, I continue to say January 2021.” “I remember the first confinement but afterwards I mix everything up. “” Were we confined or not last year at the same time? “” The great summer trips made it possible to vintage the years. “” Since 2020, my days have been one big Teams meeting that never stops. “” I find it difficult to put 2020 in its place. Each time, I am surprised that all this was only last year. “” Last year, finally … “” When you talk about 6% growth, is it compared to 2020 or 2019? “” I have to calculate. ”

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