The Masked Singer: Jochen Schropp is looking forward to "more free time"

Jochen Schropp has been exposed as "The Masked Singer" lobster. What makes him "a little sad" and what souvenirs he took with him.

Presenter and actor Jochen Schropp (41) was the lobster in the ProSieben show "The Masked Singer". After his exposure, he reveals in an interview with the news agency spot on news, among other things, which souvenir he took with him as a memento of the show, which costumes are a big mystery to him and how difficult it was to keep it secret.

Mr. Schropp, how are you today?

Jochen Schropp: I slept little, only three and a half hours. But now I'm full of caffeine and green tea, and I'm fine.

How disappointed are you that you were discovered second after the bee (Veronica Ferres)?

Schropp: I'm not disappointed because I'm totally satisfied with my performance. I think I would have been annoyed if something went wrong. But that's just not in your hand. The audience doesn't know who's behind the mask, even if my name is mentioned. So I don't take it personally at all. I'm just a little sad because I had a lot of fun and I was looking forward to the fun in the next few weeks. But I see it positively in terms of sport and am now looking forward to having a little more free time.

… and cheer for your colleagues?

Schropp: Of course, I'll do that too, of course.

Do you already suspect someone behind one of the masks?

Schropp: There are very many suspects and I would also sign many of the names that are circulating on the Internet. In order not to spoil the guessing fun, I will not name a name here, but continue to enjoy the performances and hope that the name is behind it, which I think it is. Who I have no idea about is the alien and the hippopotamus, which may also be due to the fact that they are best packaged. I'm really looking forward to both of them.

As a red herring, you uploaded an Instagram story allegedly cooking for your friend on the night of the show. Did your followers do that for you?

Schropp: Because my name was mentioned last week, I had to come up with something. Then I had the idea that I would cook for my friend on Friday and I uploaded the video of it yesterday. The reactions were different. Some believed it and were sad that I'm not the lobster. Others did not believe it and found that daylight does not match the time – I actually paid close attention to it. Be that as it may, the game of confusion was of no use.

Who knew about your secret engagement until last night and how difficult was it to keep it a secret?

Schropp: Two people from my management knew about it; they too signed a confidentiality agreement. And my partner. Keeping my participation in the show a secret was very difficult because I have a lot of friends who also work in the business. For example, when they invited people to a video evening, I would say that I was shooting for some programs or films. I found it particularly difficult with colleagues who really spoke to me directly about "The Masked Singer". The only way to ease my conscience was by telling myself that it was just little lies that wouldn't hurt anyone. Unfortunately, I had to do this from time to time to protect the broadcast.

You were considered the party lobster on the show. Did you feel comfortable in the role?

Schropp: I've always been good at partying (laughs). And here I really had a lot of fun on stage. I was able to catch up a little bit, which has fallen flat in the past few months due to the many parties canceled due to Corona.

You indicated that you are looking forward to spending more time outdoors again. What are you going to do in the coming days?

Schropp: Right before "The Masked Singer" I did a week of fasting hiking and was very much in nature. Every day I ran 7 to 14 kilometers through the Brandenburg forests. I noticed that this is very good for me. And because I've been inside a lot in the past few days, I'll probably go for a walk again and enjoy the beautiful autumn air.

What souvenir did you take with you from the show? Part of the costume?

Schropp: The costumes all stay on site. Maybe I'll be allowed to appear again as a lobster. But I got a very, very cute little plush lobster as a present. And I was allowed to take the oversized laminated lobster poster that hung on my cloakroom door with me. I am very happy about it. I'll have that framed and hang on my photo wall.
