the method that finds a solution to our buttons


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Whether you have acne or not, sometimes you get pimples on your face. When these are often located on the same area, the face mapping technique can help us find the solution against these recurring skin problems. Explanations.

One thing is certain, we all know our share ofblemishes on the face even when you don’t have recurring acne or eczema skin problems. If it happens that a large red pimple appears on the skin of our face from time to time, certain imperfections always seem to appear in the same place (s) and this, despite a beauty routine and proper care to unclog pores and cleanse the skin. Located at the level of forehead, of nose, of chin, beard, between the eyebrows or on the play… The buttons have indeed their areas of predilection according to the people. And it is ultimately these recurring buttons that make life really hard for us.
But the causes of pimples are so diverse and varied (excess sebum due to stress or to food, makeup product or routine care in reality ill-adapted skin type, excessive make-up or other bad lifestyle habits that impact skin quality…), which it is sometimes difficult to pinpoint where the problem comes from. This is precisely where the method of face mapping. This fashionable technique, which we can literally translate as face mapping in French, is a method inspired by traditional Chinese medicine which allows precisely to determine the origin of your spots on the face.

What is the face mapping ?

It’s a face mapping system which analyzes the areas where your pimples are located so as to know what more global problem they are the consequence of. By better understanding the causes of our skin imperfections, it becomes easier to treat them effectively and find a solution.
This holistic approach to skin problems Although fashionable, it is not scientifically proven. She draws her beliefs from traditional chinese medicine which is based on the principle of the vital energy which passes through different energy points of the body (and by each organ), themselves connected to each other by meridians (lines of energy flow) which connect the different parts of the body to each other . This is exactly the principle on which the effectiveness of certain body and skull massages is based, which have been proven to relieve tension throughout the body and counter stress.
According to this system of understanding the problems in the body, it would therefore also be possible to determine where the appearance of a pimple comes from on a particular area of ​​the face, and to know if this is related to food, to an organ that is malfunctioning (such as the liver or the lungs …) …

Our opinion

This technique should therefore be taken with a little hindsight and does not dispense with a consultation with a dermatologist in case of acne, because nothing beats the expertise of a doctor qualified for this kind of skin disease. The analysis emerging from this map of pimples cannot, in fact, always replace specific treatments to clean the pores of people with moderate to severe acne.
But she stays all the same an indicator moreover which can allow us to test new good habits to succeed in eradicating recalcitrant buttons, to get rid of some that are bad for our skin (such as excessive consumption of certain foods such as alcohol or sugar) or to detect a health problem that we do not suspect. You can also discover many testimonials from people who have approved the method on the internet.

Pimples on the face: what is their meaning depending on their location?

Here is what we can tell you based on the beauty tips from face mapping :

  • Pimples on the forehead may be due to … digestive problems generally due to a bad diet with in particular an excessive consumption of fat and sugar. But anxiety and sleep disturbances can also be the cause of excess sebum that makes them appear.

Yet do you have a very healthy lifestyle? Then your hair may not have nothing to do with your skin concerns. Wearing bangs (even if they are very beautiful) can in particular reserve this bad surprise. Make-up, sebum and wetness on the forehead caused by the bangs can explain a pimple that keeps coming back.

  • Pimples on the nose may be due to … too high a cholesterol level (which in the long run can lead to heart disease, the area to which this central point of the face refers!

Our advice: Be careful to favor good foods in everyday life.

  • Pimples on the chin may be due to … hormonal problems or emotional stress. It is indeed a reflex point linked to the kidney and bladder area, the malfunction of which can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Our advice: a doctor’s appointment and food supplements to reduce anxiety are good solutions.

  • Pimples on the cheeks may be due to … breathing problems. Since the cheeks refer to the lungs, there might even be an analogy between right cheek and right lung and left cheek and left lung.

Our advice: If you smoke, it is high time to quit. Do you have no health concerns? Remember to regularly clean your phone with disinfectant products. It is possible that it comes from bacteria in your cell phone which remains against your skin for long hours.

  • The pimples between the eyebrows may be due to … a problem with the liver.

Our advice: to counter the possible accumulation of toxins in your body, take a detox cure. Watch out for alcohol and drink water, water and more water!

  • Pimples on the temples may be due to … digestive problems (this is a sign of a gallbladder or kidney problem) or a lack of hydration.

Our advice: watch your diet so that it is not too rich or too sweet and drink plenty of water.

Buttons: our tips to make them disappear quickly:

Passionate about writing and beauty, Elodie swaps her lipstick for her laptop to find the best in makeup, hairstyle and skincare trends, and professional tips …

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