The most beautiful names in 3 letters for your little girl

Short first names are the trend of the moment, Zoé, Mae or even Ava… don’t wait any longer and opt for a 3-letter first name for your little girl.

Whether you are 9 months pregnant, a few weeks pregnant or not even yet, it’s never too early to find an adorable name for your baby. This is’sometimes a difficult choice, although some lucky ones will find the perfect name on the first try. For this, it is important to talk about it with your partner as soon as possible. If you wish, you can make a list each on your side of the first names that you prefer, those that you have heard of, then put them in common. Everyone can then submit their ideaswithout influencing the other, and maybe cracking on a name you hadn’t thought of.

To find pretty names for your baby you can also determine which criteria are important for you in this choice and do research according to the story, from the origintranslation and meaning you want. You will find many ideas in books or on the Internet. All you have to do is make the right choice.

Opt for a short first name for your little girl!

A few letters are sometimes enough to make us crack. Nowadays, extended first names are much less popular. No more Jacqueline, Marie-Amélie or Marguerite, today parents are looking fora short first name or even very very short for their baby. A trend that can be explained in particular by an evolution of society.

Now parents are looking impactful names that are easy to remember and pronounce. Another advantage for little girls to have a first name with very few letters, they will have much more ease in writing it. A detail today but a real advantage in kindergarten!

And above all, a first name of 3 letters, so a very short name is lively, energetic, sparkling. He immediately makes one think of a mischievous child full of life and joy. It’s a name that’s quick to say, easy to pronounce, flies through the air and seems dynamic, like its little owner.

Léa, Eve, Mia, Joy… don’t wait any longer and consult our list of ideas for 3-letter first names to give to your little girl.

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