the moving testimony of children confronted with violence, “I’m afraid for me”

In the past two weeks, France has been plagued by riots, after the death of a teenager, killed by police fire. Violence that children have faced.

France is on fire. From Nahel’s deatha 17-year-old teenager killed on June 27 by police shooting during a road check in Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), several towns were shaken by violent episodes. Some schools have not been able to open their doors and parents are took to the streets to pick up their children who were taking part in these gatherings. In the columns of Parisiana man and a woman – caught up in the riots with their baby – recently spoke of the fear that gripped them.

On social networks and on television channels, violent sequences of these riots and looting have been broadcast over the last two weeks. Some children have been there directly confronted. On the waves of franceinfoseveral of them have expressed their experience and fearsthis Saturday, July 8.

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A child testifies: “I could not sleep”

These are heartbreaking confidences, from these young minors, which have been collected by our colleagues. “I was worried, because my grandparents live in Nanterre […] and there was a small fire right next to their apartment”testified a little boy. “I could not sleep”added a little girl, before adding: “I fear for myself, because it hurt my heart. […] I was sad, a little.”

Beginning of July, Nahel’s grandmother spoke at the microphone of BFMTV, for calm tensions down in the country. Although deeply affected by the death of her grandsonshe had castigated the attitude of some people. “The police, fortunately they are thereshe judged. People […] in the process of [tout] break, I tell them: ‘Stop!’ They took Nahel as a pretext.”

Company journalist

Even if she appreciates being able to deal with extremely diverse subjects, passionate about travel, Charline is particularly interested in themes related to society, climate, environment, psychology…

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