The new revelations of “Quotidien” on illegal dinners: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Since its release in the 19.45, April 2, 2021, the report of M6 on the clandestine dinners organized in Paris has spilled a lot of ink. This subject in particular caused a huge controversy on social networks, forcing the Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, to react. For his part, the Paris prosecutor, Rémy Heitz, announced the opening of an investigation for “endangering others” and “covert work” April 4, 2021. In its edition of April 7, 2021, the show Daily made new revelations about the investigation by journalists from M6, who are today the target of many criticisms from Pierre-Jean Chalençon.

Journalist Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch first began by listing the facts in chronological order. He particularly wished to recall that it is not the journalists of M6, but Pierre-Jean Chalençon who affirms in the report that ministers participated in clandestine dinners, while all restaurants are currently closed due to the health crisis. For its part, the society of journalists of M6 indicated in a press release issued on Tuesday April 6, 2021, that “other sources” confirmed to them “off” the presence “at least one member of the government” at one of those clandestine dinners. “We are continuing our investigations into this matter.” Channel 6 journalists added.

Clandestine dinners: Daily reveals that M6 would have the name of the minister present

Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch then took an interest in the journalists who carried out this famous survey for M6: “There is the head of the police justice service François Vignolle, a freelance investigative journalist, Armelle Mehani, and the journalist of the editorial staff Cyrielle Stadler”. The latter took several weeks to produce this report. All day we tried to reach M6. Nobody wanted to talk “, explained the journalist of Daily. However, Azzeddine Ahmed-Chaouch still learned that the channel would have the name of the famous minister present at these clandestine dinners, which would not have taken place at Pierre-Jean Chalençon, but in an underground restaurant in the capital. In fact, it would be missing irrefutable evidence such as a photo, receipt, or police report. Without one of these elements, it will be difficult to prove the presence of a minister “, he concluded.

Read also : Clandestine dinners: Gabriel Attal accused of having “covered” them, his cash response