The Normandy scallop: it makes its way into our Christmas dishes: Femme Actuelle Le MAG

Emblem of the goddess Venus, the pecten maximus lives buried in sandy-muddy bottoms and feeds on plankton. It gets this scientific name from its “large comb” shaped shell. Later, this will be used by pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela to give alms. Hence its name.

The scallop, a protected reproduction

To allow the species to renew itself, European regulations impose a minimum catch size 10 cm except in the Irish Sea and the East Channel where it is set at 11 cm. In summer, scallop fishing is prohibited in France. From Granville to Tréport, Normandy is the leading producing region with 600 boats and 39,000 tonnes landed in 2021-2022.

The scallop has three labels

At the request of other producing countries (Canada, Chile, Vietnam, etc.), the trade name Saint-Jacques was extended in 1996 to other types of scallops. To ensure you taste the true variety, the pecten maximus, dear to gourmets, three red labels were created in 2002 : for whole shell, fresh and frozen nuts. It is found in Normandy, in the Bay of Seine which constitutes 70% of the region’s contributions.

Scallops are good for your health

The labeled shell is coral, its nut generous, white and melting. Tasted raw (in carpaccio or tartare) or barely seared (two minutes in the pan), it fills up with vitamin, zinc, iodine, selenium and omega 3, good for health.

“Its long seasonality makes me creative”

The Bordeaux chef likes the Normandy scallop for its taste qualities and its respectful and sustainable fishing. From October to May, the product is available with squash and finished with asparagus in the summer. In winter, it is enhanced with truffles. Her holiday recipe:Place celery in the oven at 180°C and collect the flesh. Mix with butter to make a puree. Place 6 small or 3 large walnuts per person, previously seared. Sprinkle with julienned raw celery and truffle shavings.” A delight.

Thanks to Pierre Rigothier, chef in Vayres, in Gironde

Try to win dinners

The beautiful Normandy is touring France aboard a “fish truck”. Until mid-December, try to win dinners with the partner chefs of the 6th edition of the Grande Debarque.


Read also :

⋙ Scallops from Normandy: everything you need to know

⋙ Scallops: our advice for preparing them well

⋙ Can scallop coral be eaten?

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