The number of players has more than doubled in the Fallout series

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The number of players has more than doubled in the Fallout series – Gamosaurus

There are different ways to give your games a boost so that players come back for another spin. While updates are most effective, series and derivative products can also help. The Witcher or more recently
Cyberpunk 2077
have notably gained popularity thanks to this. And this is now the case for falloutwhich saw the number of players increase drastically with the release of the series on Prime Video.

Fallout 4, released almost 10 years ago now, saw its attendance multiply by 4 over the weekend. For
Fallout 76 And New Vegas, that’s almost triple the number of players who have embarked on the adventure. And for good reason, Amazon is no stranger to this sudden resurgence of interest.

Like HBO with The Last of Usseries
fallout is a big budget production. The technical quality is therefore there, as is the writing. And despite some slight details, it seems that the show is a great success. This will therefore have made many players want to return for a walk in this universe, while others are barely discovering it. And with a season 2 already announced, Bethesda’s games should not lose popularity.

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