the order in which to eat your Japanese menu to reduce the blood sugar spike it causes

The order in which you eat your foods can make a big difference to your blood sugar. This is particularly the case with Japanese restaurant menus. We reveal to you a doctor’s tip to adopt to reduce the blood sugar peak that they cause and limit your weight gain as much as possible.

Eat a meal in a Japanese restaurant is not without consequences on our figure and our health, because it is the kind of meal which creates a blood sugar spike after tasting it, which makes us store fat and increases our risk of developing certain diseases such as diabetes. To taste the foods high in carbohydrates without the hassle of pasta, rice, pizza or a menu from the local Japanese restaurant, there are easy and effective solutions to naturally regulate our blood sugar levels.

Jessie Inchauspé, doctor biochemist, reveals to us an unstoppable technique to avoid causing our blood glucose levels to skyrocket when we eat a Japanese menu. On her Instagram account @glucosegoddess, the expert explains that it is absolutely necessary consume your miso soup before starting to eat your rice because it helps regulate blood sugar levels.

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Japanese meal: why eating miso soup before rice helps regulate blood sugar?

As she explains using 2 graphics in her Instagram post, the doctor “carbohydrates should be eaten last” in your meal, because it will change your body’s response to glucose. This is why she invites you to taste your miso soup before eating your rice whatever the other items on your Japanese menu. “Miso soup contains protein and a little fiber, so it should be eaten first.” she reveals, to justify this recommendation, because it is fiber that helps our body better respond to the influx of carbohydrates to regulate our blood sugar and limit as much as possible the glucose peak caused by this carbohydrate-rich meal. “You don’t need to wait between foods – and it even works in a meal like this that’s vegan” specifies the expert.

In addition to taking this good reflex, the doctor tells us more about the rest of our Japanese menu, whatever it is according to our tastes, adding that “the ideal order in which to eat is: vegetables first, proteins and fats secondd, then starches and sugars”. You have been warned to limit your weight gain and stay in good health.

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