The Paris 2024 Olympic Games could create up to 150,000 jobs

Three years before the Olympic Games (Olympics) in Paris in 2024, the job platform intended to bring recruiters and candidates together has just been launched. Opened Wednesday, September 29, it currently offers around 12,000 jobs, mainly in the building and construction trades. A still modest figure, but a foretaste of the source of jobs that the sporting event ultimately represents: according to prospective studies, around 150,000 jobs should be created around the Olympic Games.

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The main contributors will be, in order, events (78,300 jobs announced), tourism (around 60,000) and the construction sector (11,700 jobs on construction sites). As far as the timetable is concerned, the vacancies for the moment focus on building and construction, since the 62 infrastructures are in the process of emerging from the ground. Trades related to organization, events, catering, private security or performing arts will take over later.

The fallout from the Olympic and Paralympic Games will undoubtedly sound like a breath of fresh air for sectors particularly affected by the Covid-19 crisis, such as events and tourism. But for the construction, catering or private security trades, that’s another matter.

Look at compensation and working hours

“It turns out that the jobs we need for the Games are for the most part in professional fields known today as ‘in tension'”, recalled Bernard Thibault, former secretary general of the CGT and member of the Organizing Committee of the Olympic Games, where he is particularly responsible for the “social charter”. And to launch a ” call for a certain number of things to change in certain professional branches on the social level ”. Among the solutions proposed by Mr. Thibault, that of “Look into the social conditions in which these professions are exercised”, and in particular remuneration and working hours.

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In fact, the difficulty of providing certain offers has not escaped the organizers of the 2024 Olympic Games. The Ile-de-France Regional Council offers 11,000 training sessions per year, intended for people seeking jobs in shortage jobs. . A system with bonuses of 1,000 euros (2,000 euros for people with disabilities) for candidates actually entering training.

The department of Seine-Saint-Denis, for its part, intends to rely on associative networks. The Voisin Malin association, for example, will go door-to-door in the department to inform residents of job opportunities and inform them about the recruitment process.

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