The Paris Bourse expected to drop slightly

The Paris Bourse is expected to lower the opening slightly on Wednesday, putting its bullish momentum on hold, which brought it to new records on Tuesday.

The futures contract of the CAC 40 index fell by 0.10% about forty minutes before the opening of the session. The day before, he had finished up 0.57% 7,181.11 points, setting a new record in closing.

During the session, it climbed to 7.187.76 points, a level also undisclosed, improving its previous high in mid-November.

In December, so far, the Parisian rating rose 5.78%, a gain of 29.36% since January 1.

The momentum ran out of steam on Wall Street on Tuesday after the Parisian closing. After two consecutive records, the S & P500 fell 0.10%, while the Nasdaq lost 0.56%. The Dow Jones took 0.26%.

So far, the markets have focused much more on the milder symptoms of the latest Omicron variant than on its high contagiousness, ”says Jeffrey Halley, Oanda analyst.

France, with 180,000 new cases, the United Kingdom, Portugal and Greece on Tuesday recorded new daily records of Covid-19 cases, a sign of the meteoric progression of Omicron.

The health authorities therefore call for caution. A rapid rise in Omicron, like the one we are seeing in several countries, even if combined with slightly less severe disease, will still lead to a large number of hospitalizations, especially among non-vaccinated people, the report said. AFP Catherine Smallwood, one of the main officials of WHO Europe.

From Germany to China, new restrictive measures are being introduced, even if they affect economic activity less than before.

For investors, these restrictions are just a small bump and not a pothole in the index road, says Halley.

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Activity should also be reduced in the trading rooms, as many operators are absent. The volume of trade should therefore remain low, the image of that of Tuesday, 1.8 billion euros.

Among the values ​​follow

Teleperformance: the group specializing in outsourced customer relations, announced Tuesday to acquire the American group Senture for 400 million dollars, a sum entirely financed by bank debt.

Figeac Aero: the group has more than halved its net loss in the first half of its 2021-2022 fiscal year and is recording encouraging signs of the resumption of its activity – which collapsed with the Covid-19 crisis, announced Tuesday the aircraft supplier.

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