The poignant confidences of his parents on the TV movie

Why I Live, the TV movie retracing the career of singer Gregory Lemarchal, will be broadcast this Monday, September 7 on TF1. This feature film is eagerly awaited and where we will be able to see Mickaël Lumière embodied by the deceased singer.

It's a highly anticipated TV movie. Why i live will look back on the life of singer Gregory Lemarchal. The singer had marked the French public by participating in the show star Academy. We can discover the moment when the singer's parents discovered that their son had cystic fibrosis. Then, the feature film will retrace its passage to the star Academy, as well as his victory and his most outstanding performances. It will be an opportunity to look back on the singer's success before his death at the age of 23 and to raise awareness about the disease of cystic fibrosis. After the TV movie has been broadcast, a documentary on the subject will also be available. This evening on TF1 will therefore be an opportunity to highlight this disease.

Pierre and Laurence Lemarchal confided in the newspaper The Parisian regarding the production of this TV movie. They admit that they were very reluctant at the start. It was not the first time that they had been asked to produce a film about the life of their son. But after having discussed at length with TF1, they agreed to dive back into the history of Grégory for the occasion: "When we were approached two, three years ago, seeing someone play Gregory was unbearable. We evolved, we said to ourselves that the TV movie might be done without us. The producers got closer to us with benevolence, and it was with TF 1, which has always supported the association. "

You should have seen the respiratory physiotherapist, the aerosols, the oxygen mask, because it is the daily life of a patient with cystic fibrosis

Gregory Lemarchal's parents were absolutely keen to see behind the scenes of his success and the young man's not always rosy daily life: "We wanted there to be no mistakes in the treatment. We had to see the respiratory physiotherapist, the aerosols, the oxygen mask, because it is the daily life of a patient with cystic fibrosis", they tell the Parisian. However, they assure that the disease "is present, but not heavy."

They thus actively participated in the production of this feature film, until the choice of the actor. When they discovered Mickaël Lumière during the auditions, they were shocked: "And when we saw those of Micka, it was obvious. He had captured everything about Gregory: his gaze, his gestures. (…) Mickaël played back“ SOS of a Terran in distress ” and "And now", and we cried. " The shooting, when it came to him, was complicated. Laurence Lemarchal claims to have been there only twice, although she really enjoyed meeting the actress who plays her in the film: "Tell her about it and jump back thirty-five years, when it was discovered that Gregory was ill, asked for a job on himself. I told her that she had been my shrink. She helped me." Obviously, seeing the TV movie was unnamed violence and Grégory Lemarchal's parents confessed to having received a huge emotional charge while watching it: "It moves a lot, but after the shock, the crying, you refocus on the goal."

We hope to raise awareness again and that they will help us again, because there is still a lot to do

Through this TV movie, Pierre and Laurence Lemarchal wish to educate the general public about cystic fibrosis. Faced with the tragic fate of their sons and his daily fight against the disease, they hope to reach future generations: "I would like to reach the new generations. As long as we hear Grégory's voice, the fight against cystic fibrosis will not end! We hope to raise awareness again and that they will help us again, because there is still a lot to do. The Maison de Grégory will open in 2021, and it will have to be kept alive to accommodate 400 patients per year ", they explain to Parisian.

Today, it is more important than ever to remember the importance of organ donation in overcoming the disease. The dream of Grégory Lemarchal's parents lies in this: to see that one day their fight is no longer justified: "The goal is for the association to have no more raison d'être, because that will mean that we have won." Research has advanced since the death of Gregory Lemarchal. According to them, today, he would have probably survived thanks to a transplant, but there are still 34% of refusals, for lack of organ donation.

It's official, the Star Ac 4 is reunited for the recording of a tribute album to Gregory Lemarchal

Video by Clemence Chevallet