The poignant testimony of Isis against school bullying


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After having lived five years of ordeal which led her to depression, Isis openly denounced the school harassment she suffered in the columns of Midi Libre, Saturday, October 2, 2021.

For five years, Isis, whose first name has been changed, lived through tough years of college and high school in Perpignan. Target shot “suddenly“by three girls, the teenager had become”the laughing stock of the school“.”They said bad things about me, they looked at me askance, they laughed behind my back. I hadn’t done anything wrong, I didn’t understand“, explained the one who is now 17 years old, Saturday October 2 To Free noon. Like many victims of bullying at school, she killed this mass of violence that she suffered on her own, not without deploring: “Filing a complaint would have been useless, lots of cases never ended, I was too afraid of the fallout, I just wish people believed me. It was the word of others against mine. They were summoned by school life but it was useless. “

For a long time, Isis sought to understand why this trio of comrades had joined forces against her. For this gifted student, the only probable explanation would be jealousy. The young girl, who has integrated a general terminal in a new high school in the beginning of the 2021 school year, now feels “released“:”I should have left the other establishment earlier, I would have spared myself years of suffering which earned me a phobia to vomit coupled with a school phobia and especially to give up my passion, dancing.

The girl continues her psychatric follow-up

However, she regrets not having succeeded in expressing her ills earlier and advises the victims “talk about it as soon as possible“so as not to collapse. Followed by a psychiatrist and still on anti-depressants, she assured the newspaper:”I’m better, I’ll be fine.

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