The price of bread has soared by 18% over one year in the European Union

Inflation is nevertheless very unequal depending on the country. France is rather spared.

Attention sensitive subject in France. The price of bread is experiencing a surge not seen for many years. According to figures released today by European statistics agency Eurostat, the cost of this food staple jumped 18% on average in the EU between August 2022 and August 2021. A substantial rise on the previous trend . Indeed, this increase had only been 3% between August 2021 and August 2020.

Of course, not all Member States experience similar inflation. It is Hungary that finds itself the most penalized, with prices up 66% over one year. Far behind, Lithuania, Estonia and Slovakia saw the value of bread jump by 33 and 32%. Good news, however, France is more spared than its neighbors. In the country of the baguette, the flight is limited to 8%. Paris is followed by the Netherlands and Luxembourg where prices jumped by 10%.

Unsurprisingly, the European statistics agency amputates a large part of this additional cost to the war in Ukraine. The two belligerent countries (kyiv and Moscow) being among the main exporters of wheat and fertilizers. As a result, prices have skyrocketed. Wheat thus reached a record on May 16 at 438.25 euros per tonne, before falling back but still at high levels (more than 350 euros per tonne).

More generally, the rise in prices is general on the old continent. The euro zone’s annual inflation rate stood at 9.1% in August 2022, compared to 8.9% in July, again according to Eurostat. A year earlier, this rate was 3.0%.

SEE ALSO – Inflation: “It’s a tax that we will all pay”, says Macron

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