The release of Life is Strange: Remastered Collection is postponed on Switch

Unfortunately, Switch gamers who have been waiting Life is Strange: Remastered Collection will have to wait a little longer before being able to immerse themselves in this beautiful narrative epic.

Life is Cruel for Switch

Square Enix has indeed announced, via the official Twitter account of the license, that the Switch version of the compilation Life is Strange will be delayed and will therefore be released later in the year: “We’re sorry to report that the Nintendo Switch versions of the games have been put on the back burner and will need a bit more time until they’re ready, so we’ll be releasing them later this year.”

We are not entitled to precise explanations, but we know that adapting a game on Switch is not easy for developers because of the hardware of the machine. This is just speculation on our part, but there is a good chance that this is the case, and therefore it will take more time for the teams. As a reminder, this collection allows you to play the first Life is Strange and its spin-off, Life is Strange: Before the Storm, while taking advantage of all kinds of graphic improvements.

For other platforms, rest assured, Life is Strange: Remastered Collection is still scheduled for February 1 on PC, PS4, Xbox and Stadia.

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