The remarks we no longer want to hear about stay-at-home moms

In 2023, stay-at-home parents are still subject to particularly unpleasant and we can say unbearable remarks! And to prevent this from happening again, the best thing is to talk about it…

So let’s talk about it, in the retrograde and absolutely inappropriate remarks genre, we know a lot of them: remarks on women’s outfits, on their role as mothers, about pregnancyThe list is long ! Today we are looking at the remarks made to stay-at-home moms and again there are a lot of them. When it comes to denigrating women, stay-at-home moms are on the front line, but we would like this to end in 2023.

So whether it’s a choice or not, whether you have one or more children, whether you’ve never worked or have quit, you don’t have to suffer this kind of inappropriate comment. While social pressure weighs heavily on women, mothers are particularly exposed to the mental burden on them. And to deconstruct all this, we will start by listing the phrases that we no longer want to hear about stay-at-home moms. Do not hesitate to share it with people who have trouble realizing how heavy these comments are for you!

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