the shocking spot of the Ministry of Health

A new advertising spot unveiled by the Ministry of Health recalls the importance of respecting barrier gestures in the midst of the coronavirus epidemic.

While the number of new cases of Covid-19 is constantly increasing in France and 42 departments are classified in red, the Ministry of Solidarity and Health recalls that""on can all be touched" through a TV spot. The short video shows different members of a family not respecting social distancing: one gives a kiss to a colleague, another indulges in hugs in front of his school establishment … until all are together for the birthday of a woman, the mother of a family.

The woman then finds herself hospitalized, intubated, surrounded by two nurses worried about her level of oxygen saturation. "We can all be affected, so we must all protect ourselves. Together, let's continue to apply barrier gestures", explains a voice-over at the end. A spot "shock" in the words of Marlène Schiappa, who aims to call on the French to pay attention to their individual responsibility.

As a reminder, barrier gestures consist of wearing a mask in all enclosed public places, and outdoors in certain cities. The mask must be removed by the rubber bands. You should wash your hands with water or hydroalcoholic gel very regularly, and cough or sneeze into your elbow or into a disposable tissue, before washing your hands again. You should maintain a distance of at least one meter between each person, and avoid greeting each other by shaking hands, hugging or kissing. Finally, avoid touching your face, especially mucous membranes such as the mouth, nose and eyes.

Sheet masks: New maintenance advice from the Academy of Medicine

Video by Sarah polak

Read also: Covid-19: doctors urge to sink "private gatherings"

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